sábado, 13 de dezembro de 2014

Makeup and me

Start by applying a light foundation in the areas labeled “HL” to add highlights. Fill in the areas marked “BR” with a darker foundation (about 2 shades darker than your skin) to act as your bronzer. Finish off by applying blush in the area of the cheekbone marked “BL” and—voilà!—a perfect makeup look for any special occasion!

"Start by applying a light foundation in the areas labeled “HL” to add highlights. Fill in the areas marked “BR” with a darker foundation or powder (about 2 shades darker than your skin) to act as your bronzer. Finish off by applying blush in the area of the cheekbone marked “BL” and—voilà!—a perfect makeup look for any special occasion!"

Estou a ver se aprendo uma coisas novas! 
Gosto de maquilhagem simples, assim que não se note que estou maquilhada mas que dá um ar super saudável e apaga pequenas imperfeições, vou ver se treino estes truques e começo a usar um pouco de maquilhagem mais vezes.

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